Protecting Others from Wrath
Many of us are just too hesitant to speak up when we see others who are doing things that will cause them harm. I know that has been true for me over the years. We don't want the other person to be upset with us, so we stay silent. We might not think it is our place to be the one to help correct them. However, if we don't speak up, who will? If nothing is said, what will the end result be for them?
When Moses gave the instructions for the camp of the children of Israel, he told them to have the Tabernacle of Testimony in the center of the camp. (Numbers 1:53) Then, he told them that the Levites were to camp all around the tabernacle so that there would be no wrath on the any members of the congregation of the children of Israel. They were to take charge over the holy things.
The reason for this arrangement was that only members of the tribe of Levi could touch the tabernacle and carry its furnishings. Even then, they could not touch many things but they had to carry them by inserting poles into rings on their sides. If any Levite or anyone else touched the holy things, the wrath of God would come against them, and they would die. God is serious when He gives a command. If we don't keep it, we will feel His anger against us.
Today, we have the Bible to guide us in all areas of life. If we see a fellow believer, or even a non-believer, breaking the commands of God, we need to stand between them and the wrath of God by warning them not to disobey God. We need to try to protect them from the wrath of God by lovingly showing them the truth. If we don't, they could experience the punishment of God and even death in some cases. Let's decide to do what we can to protect others from the wrath of God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Numbers 2-4.