Acceptable Sacrifices
When we give gifts to other people, we want them to be something special for them. The gifts we give, show them how much we think of them. If we were to intentionally give a defective gift, that would be an insult. It would say to them that we don't really care for them very much. The same is very true for what we give to the Lord.
God gave a very clear command to us under the Old Covenant. (Leviticus 22:20) They were not to offer any sacrifice which had a defect. If they did, it would not be accepted by God on their behalf. It would be a waste of time. It would not show God their love and commitment. The opposite would be true. They would be showing God they didn't really care to give their very best to Him.
Today, we need to examine our worship to make sure that it is an acceptable offering to God. We must start with a clean heart, free from unconfessed sins. When we go to the Lord, we must give Him all of the love and devotion we have. If we give Him our best, He sees that and knows we are very serious about our relationship with Him.
When we give Him our praise in our songs and prayers, that is our sacrifice to the Lord. We must not give Him defective praise. It must be joyful. It must come from a heart full of faith. We must sing with sincere love for the Lord, not just repeating words. Remember, God looks at the heart, and He knows the motivations for our words. Both must be acceptable for it to be received well on our behalf.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 23-25.