Pronounced Clean and Set Free
Isn't it wonderful how God gave us so many pictures and symbols in the Old Covenant that show us truths for our time in the New Covenant? One of the most vivid of those pictures comes to us in God's description of the condition of leprosy and the way the leper was to be pronounced clean. Leprosy is a picture of sin. We can't heal ourselves from our sin. It makes us unclean and separates us from God. However, there is a way to be cleansed from our sins.
When a person was cleansed from leprosy, he or she went to be examined by the priest. Then, he pronounced them clean in a ceremony. (Leviticus 14:7) He sprinkled blood from the sacrifice on the person seven times, pronounced him or her clean, and then let a living bird loose in the open field. Let's just get this picture in our minds.
When Jesus shed His blood for our sins that was the only payment which could cleanse us from our sins. Once we turn from our sins and trust Jesus alone as our Savior and Lord, the blood of Christ is applied to our sins, and we are clean. We are justified, made just as if we had never sinned. God pronounces us righteous or cleansed in His sight forever.
Then, we are set free from the burden of sin. We are set free to live the abundant Christian life. We are no longer slaves of sin. We are free from the stain of sin, and we have the power of the Holy Spirit to soar into the future, doing God's will, as we journey toward heaven. I pray we have all had this glorious experience and we are all living in the freedom of the Lord today.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 15-19.