A Shining Face
God designed our faces to reveal a lot of things about us to other people. Others can look into our eyes and see either hope or worry. When they see our mouth, they can see either a smile or a frown. Sometimes our countenance is lifted up, and sometimes it is fallen. I believe that others can look at us and tell if we have been with Jesus, and we have His love, joy, and peace.
When Moses spent 40 days on the mountain with the Lord, He spoke to Him face to face like we speak with other people. God's glory was so strong that it affected Moses' face. (Exodus 34:30) When Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him. The people had never seen anything like that before. They knew it was supernatural, but they did not know how to take it.
Today, we, as Christians, should have a supernatural glow to our faces, too. I am not talking about our skin actually glowing, like Moses. I am talking about a glow from knowing Jesus and being filled with the Holy Spirit. We should not walk around with worry on our faces. We should have a smile that comes only from being right with the Lord and knowing that everything is going to be OK, no matter what happens. We should shine forth contentment.
Our shining faces should be so different from the faces of those who don't know Jesus that we stick out in a good way. Our faces should be inviting to them, not be strange like Moses' face was to the children of Israel. People should look at our eyes and feel comfortable to be around us and to share with us. That is how our faces should give us a door to talk with people about the difference Jesus makes in our lives. I pray we will all have this type of shining face.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Exodus 37-39.