A Sweet Aroma to the Lord

 There are some sweet aromas that are very pleasing to us. We smell them as we are cooking on the stove or in the oven. I love the aroma of bread as it is being cooked or when it just comes out of the oven. We bake sweet potatoes, too. They smell so delicious and satisfying. My mother used to make all kinds of candy, cakes, and pies when I was younger. I could hardly wait to taste them because the aroma was so wonderful.

In the Old Covenant God instructed the people to make various burnt offerings to Him on the altar of the Tabernacle and in the Temple. These burnt offerings were done with animals and with grains. (Leviticus 2:9) The priest was instructed to take from the grain offering a memorial portion and burn it on the altar. This offering for the Lord made by fire was a sweet smelling aroma to the Lord. Their sincere worship was very pleasing to God.

Now, today we do not make burnt offerings in our worship of the Lord Jesus, but we should strive to offer Him things that are very pleasing to Him. The sounds of our praises should be so satisfying as the Lord hears His children pouring out our thanks and praise to Him. We should all make sure that we sing from our hearts and we connect with the heart of God, as we make a joyful noise to Him.

When we pray and lift our hands to the Lord, our prayers are a sweet aroma to the Lord. God loves to hear His children praying. I would imagine it is like a parent with adult children who are faithfully serving the Lord. When the father or mother sees and hears his or her children worshiping the Lord and serving the Lord, it brings great joy to their hearts. I pray that all of our worship amounts to a sweet aroma to the Lord every day.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 3-5. 

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