Unworthy of the Mercies and the Truth

 God is so good! I can't imagine life without the goodness of God. He is so merciful to send the rain on the just and on the unjust. It is His love that meets the meets of every person in the world. It is His truth that dictates all of life and all that we know and do. Yes, I know that bad things happen all of the time, but the grace of God abounds to help all who look to Him. I know I have seen it in my life.

Jacob traveled back to the land of Canaan when God told him it was the right time to return. He was afraid to meet his brother, Esau, who wanted to kill him before he left 20 years earlier. Jacob stopped to reflect before going forward to see Esau. (Genesis 32:10) He realized that he was not worthy of all the mercies and all the truth which the Lord had shown him, for he had crossed the Jordan river with only his staff, and he had become two companies of people and possessions.  We all need to stop and reflect.

I know I left home as an 18 year old young man to drive to Waco Texas and attend Baylor University. I had a 63 Studebaker Lark with my clothes and possessions. I did not know what would happen that day or any day that was to come. As I look back, God has been so good to grant me His mercies. They are new every morning. They have kept me from being consumed. He has granted me His truth to guide me in so many ways. I am so totally unworthy of all He has done.

Now, I have been married for 50 years to a fabulous, godly wife who loves me and our family. I have three grown children and seven grandchildren who are doing their best to follow the Lord and serve Him in their various ways. I have seen God bless the churches I have pastored by seeing many people saved and lives changed. I have been blessed to own a home and to have many possessions. None of this was because of my ability or intelligence. It was all the Lord. He deserves all of the thanks and praise.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 33-35.

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