Led in the Way of Truth

 Life is a great challenge because there are many ways for us to go. Every day brings new choices. Doors open and doors close, so we have to decide which way we will go. Sometimes, we choose the right way, and other times we get off the path. The key to having a satisfying life is to find the right way and stay on it.

Abraham sent his servant to find the right wife for Isaac from his family in Mesopotamia. The servant followed his directions, prayed for God's guidance, and found Rebekah just as he had asked God to show him. (Genesis 24:48) Then, the servant bowed his head and worshiped the Lord, and blessed the God of his master Abraham, who had led him in the way of truth to take the daughter of his master's brother for Isaac. We all need to be led in the way of truth by others and by the Lord.

Abraham was a man of faith, and He knew that God did not want his son to take a wife from the pagans of Canaan, so he obeyed the truth God had shown him. Then, he told his servant what God had shown him. We all need godly friends who follow God and His commands. We can learn the way of truth from them and apply it in our lives. When we do that we are on the path to success based on their close relationship with God.

Then, just like the servant, we need to pray for God to show us the way, even asking for signs to confirm the truth to us. God respects a sincere prayer from us when we really desire to know the truth. He will go the extra mile to confirm His way and to help us stay on the right road for us. We will even see amazing things happen that are not coincidences. They are God's loving hand pointing out the way of truth for us. When we are led in the way of truth, we should worship the Lord and give Him all of the praise.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 27-29.

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