Hasty Decisions

We all need to have a thoughtful process for making decisions. This is especially true for the types of decisions that have a great bearing our our lives and on other people. We need to consider what we will do from all angles, and we need to gather all of the information we can before coming to a conclusion. This is harder for some of us than it is for others, but it is a challenge for all of us. 

Abram and Sarai made a hasty decision that affected them and others in a very significant way. They decided to take the wrong course of action to have a son. (Genesis 16:2) Sarai told Abram that since God had restrained her from having children that she was giving him her maid, Hagar, so she could obtain children through her. Then, Abram heeded the voice of his wife, so that Ishmael was conceived and born in this way. Let's notice some things about this decision.

It doesn't say that Sarai was led by the Lord to make this decision, and it doesn't say that she prayed for God's guidance and God's blessing. Whenever we make a decision, we should ask God about what we should do. We don't have to stop and have a long time of prayer, unless it is a very important. We can pray at any time when we are faced with a choice of what to do. Then, we listen for God.

Then, after we have prayed or while we are praying about a matter, we need to seek the counsel of godly friends.  There is wisdom in an abundance of counselors. Also, we need to collect all of the facts before deciding. This takes some time, but it helps to define the terms of the decision. Finally, we need to think back about what God has said to us in the past and how that applies to our choice. Sarai should have realized she needed to trust God for a son, not try to do it herself, and Abram should not have taken her way, until he heard from the Lord.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 18-20.

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