Wise and Innocent

 No matter how obedient we are to the Lord, there is always room for improvement. We must never become complacent, thinking that we are "good enough." If we have that attitude, we will no longer grow in the Lord, and most likely, we will backslide away from Him at some point. Let's strive to know how to reach the perfect will of God for our life.

Paul gave us a glimpse of how to do this as he was finishing up his letter to the Christians in Rome. (Romans 16:19) Paul commended them because the report of their obedience had reached everyone. That led  him to be rejoicing over them. However, Paul still admonished them to be wise in what is good and innocent in what is evil. We all need to hear that admonition.

Sometimes, we are doing a lot of good things, so we think that we are doing the best we can do. That is not true. We need to be doing the good things that God has for us to do, not just the good things we decide to do. So we need to ask God every day to give us His wisdom, so we know His will for that day, and we can do the best things for us, and say no to the good things He doesn't want us to do.

Then, on the other hand there is so much evil going on around us every day. We do not need to think that we need to know about all of those terrible things. We need to be innocent in what is evil, just like a child who is innocent because he has never heard of something. Also, we need to be innocent in that we are not guilty of doing any of those evil things. We don't want to mix in doing evil things with our good things.


Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 1-3.

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