Spiritual or Fleshly?
In our elementary, middle, and high schools the students are given standardized tests to see their progress in the main subjects. These are in addition to the regular quizzes and tests given by their teachers during the year. If we don't take tests, we are not able know what we are having trouble learning. This applies to us, as Christians, too.
Paul sent a letter to the Christians in Corinth. They were having troubles in the church with divisions and other things. He gave them his evaluation of their condition. (I Corinthians 3:1) Paul told his brothers and sisters in Corinth that he could not speak to them as spiritual people, but only as fleshly people, as to infants or babes in Christ. This showed a serious problem with their Christian life.
God's goal for every Christian is that once we get saved we will grow in the Lord by the power of the Spirit to be a mature Christian. It is like growing up to be a mature adult. A mature individual can do what is required of him to carry on his life and do it well. A mature Christian is a spiritual Christian, who does God's will by the power of the Spirit, not his own will.
Many Christians never grow once they get saved. They remain almost helpless to do what is required of them to live the Christian life. They are like babies who always want their own way, and they are only trying to satisfy their flesh, not do God's will. A fleshly Christian will struggle and need help from others to do the basic things in the Christian life, like a baby always needs help. I pray we will all test our progress as Christians by evaluating how well we are living like Jesus would live..
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Corinthians 4-7.