Receiving Instruction

 It is difficult for many of us to receive instruction. Yes, when we know we need to learn something, we go to the Bible, the Internet, or to others to show us what we need to learn, However for most things we are pretty set that we know what we need to know, so we don't need more instruction. That causes us not to listen to others. What a unwise way to live!

God told us a key to getting where we need to be in life. (Proverbs 9:9) He assured us that if we are truly wise, we will receive instruction. Then, we will become still wiser. Also, if we allow others to teach us, we will increase our insight. I am afraid that means that many of us are not really being wise, like the Lord wants us to be.

A wise person knows a lot and sees things as God does. However, he or she doesn't know everything. One key thing about wisdom is that once we get some of it, we know that we need to get more and more. We know we can't ever have all of God's wisdom about everything, so we want to receive all of the good instruction we can.

Also, if we are a righteous person, we have learned from God and His Word, so we know the right way to relate to God and others. However, we can always become more like Jesus, so we know that we need additional insight in so many areas of our life. That makes us very teachable and never rigid in our way of looking at things.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 10-12. 

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