Abomination or Delight?

 I know that there are a lot of people who don't believe in God, or they think it is not possible to really know God. I think they need to stop and consider the consequences of their lack of belief in the existence of God. If there is a God, and they are wrong, they could be doing things that make their lives miserable. They may think that their lives are just the result of chance, but that is not the case. The bad things are happening for a reason.

God has told us the reason for our lives being miserable or being blessed. (Proverbs 11:20)  The perverse in heart are an abomination to the Lord, but the blameless in their walk are His delight. Just think about this contrast for a moment. Think about how our lives are affected by being an abomination to the Lord and receiving His anger, as opposed to being His delight, and receiving His blessings.

People who don't really believe in God think they can believe anything they want to believe and do whatever they want to do. They relish their freedom, and they are focused on pleasure and success in life. They end up believing and doing some very perverse things, things that are opposite of what God has declared to be right.. Since that makes them an abomination to God, He has to punish them in an effort to get their attention and draw them to see Him and believe in Him.

On the other hand, those who believe in the Lord and walk in His ways are blameless before Him. They are following His will in His power. When God sees that, they become His delight. He smiles upon them with His blessings and peace. Their lives are so much better because of their faith which they live out every day in what they say and do. Then, God's blessings are showered upon them.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 13-15.

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