Having Confident Assurance

 I have taken all kinds of tests. I am sure you have a similar testimony. When we take some tests, we are not very sure how we will do. We are anxious, and then after the test, we can't wait to see how we did. However, on other tests we have been very confident. We are not nervous, at all, knowing we would make a good grade. How are you feeling about that final exam God will give each of us?

Job was suffering physically and emotionally from all of his pain and loss. However, he did not lose his confident assurance, even though his friends insisted that he had sinned, so God was punishing him for that fact. (Job 23:10) Job told his friends that God knew the way he took in his life, and that when God had put him to the test, he would come out as gold. We should all have that same confident assurance.

As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit to lead us and empower us to do God's will. All we have to do is to deny our flesh and follow our Lord by listening to His Spirit. When we live that "way" each day, God sees our way. He knows we are sincere in our faith, and our heart is to do His will.

When God tests us with trials, we will see how we are doing with our faith in Him. If we fail most of the time, there is a big problem with our faith. We need to commit ourselves fully to Him. Then, when we are tested, we will come out as gold. We will be pure, without the stains of sins. As we live that way each day, we can have confident assurance that the same thing will happen on our final test, as we give an account of our life to Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Genesis 25-27. 

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