Blaming God
Many of us have a hard time admitting when we are wrong. We are very slow to take responsibility for our words or actions when things don't go well. Many times we want to blame our mistakes on someone else. That is a very bad way to think, especially when we end up blaming God.
After all of Job's dialogs with his friends, God confronted Job. (Job 40:8) God asked Job if he would nullify His judgment. He also asked if he would condemn God so that he could justify himself. We need to ask ourselves those questions before we hear them addressed to us.
God's judgment and justice are perfect. He always sees things the right way and makes the right decisions. We might think we should try to argue with God and set Him straight, but if we do, we will never win. We need to agree with His Word and with anything He says to us quickly to avoid His rebuke.
We must never condemn God for what He has done so that we can justify what we have done. That is very foolish, but people do it all the time. They get mad at God for something that didn't go their way, so they say that God was wrong or unwise. We need to be careful because we are the ones who make mistakes and sin. We are the ones to be condemned and not try to make it seem like we were right.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Job 41-42 and Psalms 1-2.