How We Treat God
God wants us to take Him seriously all of the time. Yes, we can pray about anything, and we should be praying all of the time, but when we talk to God, we must have the right attitude of heart, or He doesn't listen to what we are saying. When we worship God, if we do not have the right attitude and actions, He doesn't receive our worship.
If we are very disrespectful toward God, He can choose to kill us. That happened to Aaron's two sons who offered strange fire before the Lord. (Leviticus 10:3) After that Moses said to Aaron that their deaths were what God had said, "By those who come near to Me, I will be treated as holy, and before all the people I will be honored." So, Aaron was silent about God killing his sons.
We must be careful to treat God as holy every time we pray and worship. We must not be flippant in how we speak to Him or about Him. We must realize that He is the One who is to be exalted by all people all of the time, so we do not want to do anything that would not treat Him as holy God.
In all of our words and actions we must be sure to honor the Lord. In fact, to dishonor the Lord is a terrible sin. It gives those around us the wrong view of God and leads them from Him. If we dishonor God, like the people in the Bible who died, we could die, too. That is not something to cause us to be scared of God. However, we should have a healthy fear of God's holiness and power.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Leviticus 12-14.