God's Word Always Bears Fruit
Most things in life are hit or miss. There are very few things we can count on to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. It is disappointing to try our best to do something good and to see it fail. However, there is one thing that always produces fruit and good fruit at that. It is the Word of God.
God told this truth to His people through Isaiah. (Isaiah 55:11) He said when God waters the earth, things grow, and it is the same way with His Word. He sends it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all He wants it to accomplish, and it will prosper everywhere He sends it. I pray we have learned this lesson.
Good advice is helpful. Wise counsel can help us and others a lot. However, the best advice and counsel is always based on the Word of God. In fact, the best we can do to help someone bear the right fruit in their life is to plant the Word of God in them. God can use us to sow the seed, and then He brings the fruit by His Spirit's work.
This is why we need to know God's Word and be ready to share it with others on all kinds of occasions. If we do not have it hidden in our hearts, we may miss an opportunity to share it at the right time, when the soil of someone's heart is ready to receive it. However, if we need to go home and prayerfully search the Bible, we should do that and go back to the person with the Word of God, not just our advice.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 57-59.