God's Presence and Protection
It would be a terrible thing to go through life completely alone. We would feel so vulnerable and afraid of what might happen or who might be there to harm us. God didn't make us to go through life alone. He declared from the beginning that it is not good for people to be alone. We need family and good friends, but mostly we need the Lord to be with us.
God gave a wonderful promise to Israel through His prophet Isaiah. (Isaiah 43:2) He told them that when they would go through the deep waters, He would be with them. When they had to go through rivers of difficulties, they would not drown. Even when they would have to go through the fire of oppression, they would not be burned up, the flames would not consume them. I believe God has that same love for us, as believers, today.
We all go through the deep waters of sadness, grief, and other overwhelming situations. We might think we will drown in our sorrows, but that is not true, if we know the Lord. He will be there with us to bring comfort and hope. When we have rivers of difficulties, He is there so we will not drown in them either. This is true even when bad things come from every direction.
God is even there with us through the fires of oppression by family members, co-workers, or others in our lives. It is so hard to be rejected and attacked by others, but those fires will not burn us, if we stick close to the Lord who is with us. He will protect us in all situations and give us strength to overcome anything He allows in our life.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 46-48.