My Bride Captured My Heart
Lord willing, next month Chris and I will celebrate our 49th anniversary of being husband and wife. God had me delivered to her home to be her 17th birthday present by my best friend and his date. I was driving them to a movie, when they took me to a surprise birthday party instead. That night God answered by prayer for Him to pick my next date, and Chris stole my heart as we climbed Stone Mountain after the party on that cold December night.
There is a beautiful expression of this kind of love in God's Word. (Song of Solomon 4:9) You have captured my heart, my treasure, my bride. You hold it hostage with one glance of your eyes, with a single jewel of your necklace. What a blessing to be captured by the love of a spouse! I wish all couples had this kind of love.
God intends for marriage to be the closest possible union of two people in this world. It is to be such a strong relationship that God used it to describe Christ's marriage to us, as believers in Ephesians 5:22ff. Of course, the first man and woman were joined by God, and they became one flesh, which is much more than a physical relationship. Marriage should be a little bit of heaven on earth.
I thank God for Chris. She is my treasure. She means more to me than anyone else, besides the Lord Jesus Christ. My heart is still taken by one glance from her eyes or one smile from her lips. What a joy it is to have someone who could put up with me for 49 years and serve the Lord with me the whole time, too. I can't thank God enough for the one who captured my heart.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Song of Solomon 5-7.