Caring for the Poor
As I read the Bible, it seems to me that God has a special affection for the poor. He wants all of us to have His heart for them, as well. Just think of the difference it would make in our world, if we all tried to help those in need, as God was leading us to do. We would be showing Christ's love, and they would get the help they need.
God gave us a warning about this. (Proverbs 21:13) He said that those who shut their ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in their own time of need. Sounds pretty serious to me. I don't want to be ignored by the Lord in my time of need. Do you?
I know we can't help every person we see who is poor. However, all of us, as Christians, have the Holy Spirit, and we are to be sensitive to the voice of the Spirit as He shows us what we should do. Therefore, when we hear the cries of the poor for help, we should let the Spirit show us what to do and how to do.
The problem is when we are greedy, or we think they are just not good people, so we fail to listen to their pleas. If we ignore them, God is going to ignore us, when we have a need. God does that to teach us a lesson. The poor are made in God's image. They are people of worth, like us. We should not reject them, but accept them and help as God leads.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 22-24.