Everything and everyone, except God, had a beginning. Nothing is eternal, but God. He created the universe, including the earth out of nothing. He created people, too. He began with Adam and his descendants. Then, came the flood from which only Noah and his family survived. That is the beginning of everything as we know it today.
The Bible is very clear about these beginnings. (I Chronicles 1:1-3) The descendants of Adam and Noah are laid out at the beginning of I Chronicles. Yes, the genealogy can be tedious, but it is important. Here we see the first man, Adam, and his sons who survived after Cain killed Abel, and Cain was exiled. We see Enoch who walked with God and was taken to heaven. We see the longest living man, Methuselah, who lived 969 years. Then came Noah and his family, who alone survived the flood.
What does all of this say to us? God is the Creator and Sustainer of all that is. We need to worship Him as Lord of all. We need to look to Him for all that we need to live in this world. He will be with those who trust Him. Each of us will have a different life, but God works them all together for His glory and for His kingdom purposes.
Also, we all came from the same line of people. There are no separate races, only different cultures and peoples who have various different physical features. We all came from the same beginning which was Noah's family, and we are all headed to the same ending, since God began it all, and He will bring it all to a close one day. Let' never forget this, or let anyone make us think anything different from what the Bible says.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 4-7.