Banished because of the Sins of One Leader
Leaders have a huge influence on a country and on a society. They can lead the people to go in the right way or in the wrong way. God sees the sins of the leaders and their effects on the people. He decides how to punish the whole country based on what He sees.
Judah was banished by God. (II Kings 24:3) The disasters that happened to Judah were because of the Lord's command. He had decided to banish Judah from His presence because of the many sins of Manasseh. One leader's sins brought a whole country to ruin.
We see this happening in America today. Our leaders are pushing immoral laws. They are promoting abortion which is hated by God for shedding innocent blood. They are promoting sexual immorality in many ways. Plus they are trying to restrict the freedom of the people who do believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God.
I wonder when God will decide that enough is enough? I wonder when God will bring down our entire country because of the sins of our leaders? Of course, I am praying for a revival and an awakening, so people will turn to the Lord and be faithful to His Word. However, if that doesn't happen soon, God could decide to act in a very decisive way. Let's pray that doesn't happen!
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Kings 25 and I Chronicles 1-3.