In His Steps
There is a very famous book named In His Steps. It is a classic that challenges Christians to walk in the steps of Jesus. In reality that is what the Christian life is all about. We do not have to make up what we should do or how we should do it. All we really need to do is to read the gospels and the rest of the Bible, so we can know what Jesus did and said. Then, we follow His steps. That is just what Peter told us. (I Peter 2:21) He told us, as Christians, that we were called to suffer, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should walk in His steps. Yes, Jesus is our Lord and Savior, first and foremost, but He is also our Example of how to live in this world.
Our theme for 2023 at North Henry is "Living and Loving like Jesus." That is what Christmas is all about. God came to live with us. God came down to be incarnated in a human body. Jesus had to grow up like any other boy. He became a man, and He worked as a carpenter, just like His earthly father, Joseph. He walked this earth with His disciples, encountering people and every kind of situation that we will encounter. He suffered at the hands of the people, and eventually, He was crucified. All of this, but He never sinned. He lived a perfect life, so He is our perfect example. The more we can know Him and learn of Him, the more we can allow the Spirit to conform us to His image, and we can truly walk in His steps. I pray this will be the vision that each of us has for our lives, and we will decide to do whatever it takes to live and love like Jesus every day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Peter 3-5.