Contend for the Faith
It would be so nice if we, as Christians, could just live our lives following the Lord and His Word without having to give any thought to those who are trying to water down Christianity and change the truths of God into a lie. It is always hard to know how to stand up for what we believe and do it in love, but be effective against the attacks on our beliefs. However, it is absolutely necessary for us to fend off the attacks and to stand up for the Word of God, so others will know the truth and not be led astray. That was the reason God inspired Jude to write his short book to the believers of his day. (Jude 3) He was eager to write to the believers about the salvation they shared, but he found it necessary to write, appealing to them to contend for the faith that was delivered to the saints once for all. Today, we are in the same situation.
"The faith" is a way of saying what we believe, as Christians, based on the inerrant Word of God. It is "the faith" that all believers have had since Jesus came and provided for our salvation by grace through faith. It has been passed down through successive generations of believers, and we have the responsibility to keep it going. We must not allow it to be changed as it is passed from us to the next generation. There is only one true faith, because there is only one correct message from God's Word. There is only one way to be saved from our sins. There is only one way to live our lives according to God's will, as revealed in His Word. We must contend for that faith by standing against any changes by anyone to any part of it. Compromise is not acceptable! Therefore, I urge all of us, as believers, to know what we believe and why we believe it, so we can tell others and refute any errors we hear. That is our responsibility like Jude wrote to the believers almost two thousand years ago.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Revelation 1-3.