Woe to Those who are At Ease

 Many of us today are "at ease." We have everything we need. We have nice homes. We have all kinds of food to eat and plenty of it. We have every comfort for life. Oh, I know we think we need more material possessions most of the time just to be more secure, but basically, we have more than enough. This lulls us into a state where we just want to take life easy. We do not want to think seriously, and we do not want to have to take new actions in our lives. We want things to remain as they are now, so we can just enjoy life without making any changes. This is a very dangerous place to be in life, even though this is what many of us strive for. Amos gave us a warning a long time ago that we need to hear. (Amos 6:1) He said "Woe to those who are at ease." He said this to those in Zion, or Jerusalem, to those in Samaria, or Israel, and even in the nations around God's people. Being at ease causes us to neglect doing what God is bringing to our attention, since we do not want anything to change.

There is always something in our life that needs to be improved. There are always sins for which we need to confess and repent. God's goal for the life of every believer is that we become like Jesus. If we are "at ease" that will never happen. In fact, we will begin to drift farther from the Lord's nature instead. Therefore, we must recognize if we are being complacent, and we must start asking the Spirit to search our heart and show us what needs to be improved and what needs to be eliminated. If we will do this well, we will spare ourselves much grief which will come from the Lord's hand being on us to punish us and draw us back to Him. This should be a daily practice, so we never become satisfied with where we are, but we always want to be more like Jesus in all we say and do. I pray that all us will realize this truth. It will make our lives so much better than allowing ourselves to be at ease.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 7-9.

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