In the Valley of Decision
Our lives consist of the results of all of the decisions we make. Yes, the Lord has given each of us the ability to decide what we will do based on many factors. In each case we will either profit from following the true and right way, or we will suffer the bad consequences of following the ways of this fallen, sinful world. Some decisions are huge, and some are very simple, but there is one decision that is the most important and consequential, by far. That decision is our choice of whether to turn away from our sin, put our trust in Jesus who died and rose again for our salvation and surrender to Him as Lord forever. If we choose wrongly with Jesus, we spend eternity in punishment. The prophet Joel gave us a perfect verse for this dilemma. (Joel 3:14) He was referring to God bringing punishment on the enemies of His people. The enemies were in the Valley of Decision. If they attacked, they would be destroyed. The Day of the Lord would come on them, and they would be defeated. This could be a reference to the battle of Armageddon, too. However, it points all of us to make sure we are ready for the Lord's Day for us.
It is hard to believe that anyone would reject Jesus Christ. He is obviously the Lord by all of the prophesies and miracles we read in the Bible. His teachings were way beyond any human teaching. He showed us the truth, and He was the Truth. He loved us so much that He died in our place. He had never sinned, and it was our sins that killed Him on the Cross of Calvary. All we have to do it to turn from our sins, trust in Him, and surrender to Him as the Loving, All-Powerful Lord. Then, we get the free gift of eternal, abundant life. What a blessing! However, there are multitude, multitudes in the valley of decision right now. They do not know when the day of the Lord's visitation to them might come. Today is the day to decide in favor of Jesus. Tomorrow could be too late. Please, make the best decision you could ever make. You will never regret it.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Amos 1-3.