Rejoice and Be Glad
I don't think there is anyone who really likes hanging around with negative, complaining people. The only exception to that may be other negative complaining people. When we concentrate on all of the bad things about life, we will see more and more of them. It leads us down a deep, dark hole toward depression. We can actually think and talk ourselves into being hopeless. That is just what Satan wants us to do, and he is good at leading us down that path. David had a lot of problems in his life. He talked with God about all of them. He told God how much he was hurting so God could comfort him and direct him. However, David had learned not to fall into the pit of negativism. (Psalm 70:4) He knew that all who seek the Lord should rejoice and be glad all of the time. He could say this, because all of us who love God's salvation know that God is great, and that is what we all should be saying all of the time. I wonder how we are doing in this area?
Yes, God is great! He is greater than any of us can imagine. His love eclipses any human love, and His wisdom is beyond our comprehension. God is All-powerful, so that there is nothing He can't do, except the wrong thing. He is sitting on His throne in heaven, reigning as the Sovereign King of His creation. We might think we know better than Him sometimes, but we are very mistaken. At His center God is always good in what He says and does. In fact, He is so good that He is great. No one surpasses God in His greatness. This is why all who seek Him and know Him should set our hearts to rejoice and be glad all of the time. Our lips should continually say, "God is great!" Then, those around us will be able to see His greatness and turn from their despondency to the True and Living God. Then, they can live a life of rejoicing and being glad, too.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalms 71-74.