God's Faithful Love
There is one thing that God does better than anything else He does. Since God is love in His very nature, and He is holy, God loves better than anything else He does. Yes, I know some may disagree with me, but think about it. God loved the whole world, every person ever born, so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to die and rise again to pay for our sins. That is the greatest act of love possible, and God continues in that love faithfully forever. Nothing can keep God from loving us, and nothing can cause Him to love us less. He greatly desires for all people to be saved and to have an eternal relationship with Him. God's faithful love is why David spent his time praising the Lord to the Jews and the Gentiles. (Psalm 57:9-10) He knew that God's faithful love was as high as the heavens, and His faithfulness reached to the clouds. I pray we all live in this truth every day.
God loves every person so much that He makes us an offer that is beyond imagination. If we will put our trust in Jesus, His Only-Begotten Son, He will forgive our sins freely, and we will enter into covenant relationship with Him. Some receive His offer, and some don't, but God is serious to keep His side of the covenant. He will lavish His love on us, and He will take us to be with Him when our time on earth is done. Then, He will continue to love us and provide the best for us forever. All of this because of His faithful love. See what David means? That is a reason for all of us to praise Him among the peoples and nations. It is the reason to take the message of His love to the ends of the earth. I pray we will all be filled with praise and sing it forth today and every day, so all will know what a faithful, loving God He is.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 59-61.