God's Love Manifested
The Bible is very clear that God is love. Of course, we should simply accept the truth of the Scripture and be assured of this fact. However, God knew that we needed to see His love clearly in order for most people to believe in it. That is why God did something completely amazing. He came down to earth to show us His love, once and for all. Yes, God did many things that show His love, but one shines above all of the rest. John told us this so everyone could understand. (I John 4:9) The love of God was manifested in us when He sent His only begotten son into the world, so that we might live through Him. Christmas was God's love manifested to the whole world.
Jesus came to show us the Father. He told His disciples that if they had seen Him, they had seen the Father. He did not mean that He physically looked like the Father, since God, the Father, is a Spirit, and He does not have a physical body. Jesus showed us the Father by how He spoke and acted. He showed us the Father by how He loved people. Jesus healed all kinds of people in love. He cast demons out of people, because He loved them, and He did not want them to be possessed by a demon. However, the main way Jesus showed us the love of God was that He was willing to be born of the virgin Mary to take on human flesh. He did not stop being God. He was God and man, so He could minister for 3 years and then, go to the cross to pay for our sins. All of this He did in love to bring to light the love of God. Then, He arose the third day to prove His victory over, sin, death, and Satan. Once we know that and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior, we have life, eternal life. If there had been no Christmas, we would never have been able to see God's love and to have life because of that love. I pray we will celebrate the love of God being shown to us this Christmas and every Christmas.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I John 5, II John, and III John.