What is Truth?
Pilate's question is as relevant as today's headlines. Many people are still asking, "What is truth?" . Many of those people are asking it in a sarcastic, cynical way, just as Pilate did to Jesus. They do not think there is any way to know the truth, but there is a sure way to know the truth. (John 18:37,38) Jesus had just told Pilate the Source of truth right before he asked his question. He wasn't listening, just like most people today do not listen to what Jesus has to say about truth. At least Pilate was smart enough to realize that Jesus was not guilty of any crimes, and He did not deserve to die. I wonder how many people feel that way today?
Jesus came into this world to testify to the truth. Yes, the King of the universe was born into this world to show us the truth. In fact, He is truth. (John 14:6) As Jesus ministered for 3 years, He was constantly sharing the truth with the multitudes and with His disciples. He made the truth of God very clear by His sermons and parables, as well as, His actions. His words were recorded for us in the Bible as the Holy Spirit inspired men to write them down for all generations. Now, if we need to know the truth about anything, we can read the words of Jesus and the words of others in God's Word. The reality is that everyone should know what truth is now that Jesus has come and the Bible has been given to us. I would encourage all of us to make sure we know the truth on everything by studying the Bible and applying what we learn there every day. When we do, the truth of Christ will set us free. (John 8:31,32)
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 19-21.