Never Thirst Again
It is amazing how much water our bodies need to remain healthy. In order to get enough we have to be taking in water through the day, or we will get very thirsty. That is our body telling us that we need more water. That is why the woman at the well in Samaria encountered Jesus. She had to come every day to draw more water. When Jesus talked with this woman, she was very surprised that a man, a Jewish man, would address her in public. Jesus wanted to witness to her about Himself. He did that by telling her He would give her "living water." Of course, she did not understand. (John 4:13.14) Jesus explained to her that everyone who drinks the water from the well would thirst again, but whoever drinks the water that He gives would "never thirst." He went on to explain that His water would become a well of water springing up to eternal life in whoever drank it. She wanted that water, so she would never thirst again. I pray all of us have had our spiritual thirst quenched by the water Jesus gives, and we have eternal life.
The physical water we drink sustains our physical, earthly life, but we continue to thirst for more. When we come to know Jesus, and we receive His living water, we have our spiritual thirst met, so we never thirst again. Jesus meets our every need by His power and the power of the Holy Spirit. He satisfies our soul, our mind, will, and emotions. We are content in knowing Him and having His nourishment. At the same time the living water gives us more than spiritual contentment. It gives us eternal life. It begins when we come to know Jesus and continues for eternity. His water satisfies all of our sin problems and constantly flows in us, so our abundant life in Jesus never ends. What a blessing! Yes, we still grow in the Lord, once we come to Jesus, but we never thirst. When we grow, we get closer to the Source of living water, so we become more and more healthy spiritually, strong enough to do whatever God has for us to do.
Tomorrow, I intend to read John 5-7.