The Stones will Cry Out
The Lord Jesus Christ deserves all of the praise and honor we can give Him all of the time. He is the One who loved us enough to take on human flesh, live a sinless life, and give His life as a sacrifice for our sins. No one else could have done that, so He is to be exalted as high as we can lift Him up. This was especially true on the day of His triumphal entry into Jerusalem a week before His sacrificial death. The crowds were proclaiming Jesus to be the Messiah, the One who comes in the name of the Lord. This made the Pharisees very angry to see them praising Jesus. They asked Jesus to rebuke His followers. Instead, Jesus gave them a profound truth. (Luke 19:40) He told the religious leaders that if the people became silent the stones would cry out in praise for Him. That shows us the importance of praise and the extent of the praise given to the Lord.
The universe God created was made to glorify Him. Just think of how the vastness of the galaxies show the power and glory of the Lord for all to see. The mountains and hills show His majesty. The oceans, teeming with life, praise Him by showing His creative genius in all the forms of life found in them. The array of creatures made by the Lord declare His wisdom as all of them work together in the balance of nature. Then, God created mankind. We are the highest order of His creation, because we were created in His image. We, above all the rest of creation, should give Jesus praise, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Then, we are remade by His cleansing blood, so we are restored to full fellowship with the Lord. We walk with Him and talk with Him each day. What a blessing! What a reason to praise Him! Therefore, Jesus' truth given 2,000 years ago is that if we fail to praise Him, He can always give voice to the rest of His creation, and all of it will cry out in worship of the One True and Living God, the Redeemer of mankind, and the Lord of the universe.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Luke 20-22.