Feeling Forsaken
None of us like the feeling of being forsaken by someone who is close to us. It hurts, no matter what the reason for it. However, sometimes it is not what it appears to be. It could be that the other person has not forsaken us, but we are bringing the feeling upon ourselves. Maybe, we are misunderstanding their words or actions. Perhaps, they are still there for us, but we are too grieved to see it, at that moment. Jesus, Himself, had a time of feeling forsaken while He was hanging on the cross. (Mark 15:34) It was so bad that He cried out to the Father, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" Jesus felt alone, but that was not the case. The Father was right there with Him, ready to help Him and raise Him from the dead. So why was Jesus feeling forsaken?
Jesus is eternal. He did not have a beginning, and He will have no end. He has lived eternity in right relationship with the Father and the Spirit, except for 3 hours of His life on earth while Jesus was on the cross. From noon to 3 o'clock the sun went dark, because God took all of the sins of the world and laid them onto His Dear Son. This broke His fellowship with the Father. However, the Father still loved Him, and He was still there for Him. Jesus just could not see it in His anguish over the sins being dumped on Him. God did not forsake Jesus. He was just doing what was necessary for our salvation. When we feel forsaken, it could be a similar experience. We may have done something wrong to break our fellowship with the other person. We may not be aware of what we have done, so we need to reach out to them for reconciliation. Another reason to feel forsaken might be that the other person still cares but they were hindered from reaching out to us at the point of our need. It is not that they do not care. Again, we need to be open, and allow reconciliation to take place. We really need that person in our life for their love and care for us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Mark 16 and Luke 1-2.