Our Wonderful Loving God
What a wonderful God we have! I wonder if we really have the right picture of our God? I am afraid many people have a false conception of God, because of their experiences in their earthly family. We must not let our past cause us to see God in the wrong way. That limits our ability to love Him and to grow in our relationship with Him. The prophet Zephaniah gave us a beautiful description of God that will help all of us, if we will consider what He said. (Zephaniah 3:17) God is with us as a Victorious Warrior. He exults over us with joy. He is quiet in His love for us, and He rejoices over us with shouts of joy. See what I mean.
I pray we can see that our God is strong, and He can and will win the victory over anything that comes against us. In fact, nothing even gets to us, unless He allows it, and then, He is there to assist us so we can always handle it in His power. Then, I pray we can have a sanctified imagination, so we can see God exulting over us with joy. He is such a proud Father. At the same time, He is quiet in His love, and He cherishes each moment with us, just like we look quietly at a sleeping child. Also, we need to listen with our spiritual ears to hear His shouts of joy as He rejoices over us as His children. That is the kind of God and Heavenly Father we have. We must not forget these things, and we must allow them to draw us very close to Him in a trusting relationship that grows closer each day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Haggai 1-2 and Zechariah 1.