The Prayer God Hears

The Bible is clear that God doesn't listen to some of our prayers, even though He hears everything. Sometimes, when we pray, God knows what we are saying, but He has no intention of answering our prayer because of the condition of our heart or our bad attitude. If we want to be heard by God consistently, we need to make sure we are praying in the way that pleases Him. Daniel prayed in this way, and God was quick to answer his prayers. (Daniel 10:12) We need to see how Daniel was commended by the angel God sent to answer his prayer. That will show us what to do when we pray. 

When we pray, we need to set our heart on understanding God's will. Prayer is not about wanting our will to be done. It is all about asking God to give us understanding into His will and His ways, so we can conform to His will. Also, we need to humble ourselves before God, because He is the Lord. We must understand that it is a privilege to speak with our Heavenly Father, who is the Lord of all. We are His humble servants. When we come to the Lord in that posture of prayer, He hears us like He heard Daniel, and He sends us His answer in the right timing. Remember, God looks on the heart. He loves to see a heart that is humbly wanting to understand His will. Let's pray with that heart and see God work great things.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Daniel 11-12 and Hosea 1. 

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