Godly Boasting
Most of the time boasting is wrong. It is connected to pride, and pride goes before a fall. When we boast in any of our abilities, we are forgetting the One who made us able to do those things. That makes boasting so bad. We are forgetting God and taking the credit for those things ourselves. I believe that is why God gave Jeremiah instructions about boasting. (Jeremiah 9:23,24) God declared that we must not boast in our wisdom, might, or riches. However, the right way to boast is to boast that we know the Lord and understand Him. We can boast that we know the God who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on the earth. God delights in those things and in us when we know Him that well.
Knowing God is the greatest thing we can every do. When we are redeemed from our sins by trusting Jesus as Lord and Savior, we enter a relationship with God. We know the Lord. Then, the Spirit inhabits us, and He illuminates the things of the Lord to us, so we can understand them. We come to see the lovingkindness of God in which He always keeps His covenants. He is always faithful to what He says. We see He loves justice of all kinds on this earth. He desires to see His will done here, as it is in heaven. He loves to see righteousness, too. That is when we walk in right relationship with Him and with others. When we come to know those things, we can boast in them to everyone, because God has shown us those things. We did not do that without Him, and as we boast in the right things, we are boasting in the Lord, not ourselves.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Jeremiah 10-13.