Woe to the Backwards Culture
As Christians, most of us have noticed that our culture in the USA is getting more and more backwards from reality. People are deciding that they will change what has stood to be the truth for thousands of years. This is not really a new development. Other cultures have done it down through the years. Even God's people had done it, and it is happening among those who say they are believers today. Therefore, we need to stop and hear what God's Word says about being backwards in how we view reality. Isaiah made God's reaction to all of this very clear. (Isaiah 5:20,21) God says woe to those who call evil good and good evil. Woe to those who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness. Yes, and woe to those who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. God pronounced His woe upon all who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight, so that they think they can turn everything around backwards. God will never allow it without His disfavor coming upon them and the culture.
Some things are just obvious. Evil is clear to most people. However, with those who want to practice evil, we see them calling evil good and thus, good is evil. This is to soothe their conscience and try to do away with the consequences of sin. It never works. Then, there are those who call darkness light, because they want to practice the deeds of darkness. In so doing, they bring a certain amount of darkness into this world for all of us. We see it all around us. The bitter things can't be made sweet, no matter who wants to make that change. God created everything. He established Truth. We can't change it. When we try, God says "Woe on you." In other words, He will make sure it brings great grief on your life, like the grief of losing a loved one. When we go against His truth, we may think we are wise and clever, but we are fighting a battle that we can't win. Please, never give in to the backwards culture. Hold to God's truth from His Word. Keep the reality of God straight for your life , and He will not have to pronounce woe upon you.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Isaiah 7-10.