His Banner over Me is Love
The Song of Solomon is a wonderful love story of Solomon and his marriage to his first wife. It is very descriptive of how they met and fell in love. It even goes into their romantic behavior for each other. I believe it is best for us to look at this short book in that way. However, many people see it as very symbolic, too. We will try to consider both, but not to add too much meaning to what is written. As we read about the preparations for the wedding, we come to the place where Solomon brings his wife to his royal banquet hall. (Song of Solomon 2:4) We can just imagine all of the fancy decorations, and the marvelous selection of all types of food. Then, we see a banner over the hall expressing his love for his new wife. That banner expressed the bond that led them to become one in marriage. I pray that we all have such a marriage, if it is God's will for us to wed. He wants all of us to experience intimate, fulfilling love in our marriage relationships.
I wonder how we are doing in our marriage? Are we feasting in love, or is there a famine of the love that should be there. A husband and wife are to be "one flesh" and to enjoy each other to the fullest. If we are missing that type of love and bond, please know that we are missing God's will. Our marriage should be a continual feast and an experience of joy that comes from our love. This is even more true for all of us, as believers. Jesus is our Husband, and the church, which is all believers, is the bride of Christ. One day, He will bring all of us to His banquet hall to have the Marriage Feast of the Lamb. However, even before that He has a feast for all of us to enjoy every day. He as so many blessings for us we can't imagine. All of this is because of His great love for us. (John 3:16) There truly is a banner over us proclaiming His love to all who see us. Oh, what a Lord and Savior we have !
Tomorrow, I intend to read Song of Solomon 3-5.