Watch Over Your Heart
We have the tendency to look at the outward things, not the inward things. What does that mean? We tend to think that the quality life comes from money, possessions, and other people. That is not true. Yes, life, real life, only comes from knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. However, there is a very personal element that greatly affects our life. The heart is that personal key to life. Jesus made that clear and so did Solomon. (Proverbs 4:23) The springs of life come from the heart, so we must watch over our heart with all diligence. If we don't, we will have all sorts of bad things flowing into our lives. Let's consider what God showed Solomon.
The word "heart" in the Bible means the person we are on the inside. The heart according to the Word of God is where we consider what to do and make decisions It is also the seat of our emotions. Therefore, we feel certain ways and decide certain things based on what our heart feels and decides. That is why life springs from the heart. If we feel the wrong way, because we are following the ways of this world, we will make the wrong decisions and harm our life. Like a spring that forms a creek or river can bring forth good water or bad water, our heart can bring forth good or bad. God commands us to watch over our heart, so we can see the bad things coming out, confess them, repent of them, and ask God to cleanse our heart of those harmful things. Then, we put the right things into our hearts by concentrating on God's Word and submitting to the Spirit. Once the good things start springing from our hearts our lives will drastically change for the better.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 6-8.