Our Discretion and Glory
Others can make us pretty angry. When that happens, we have to decide what to do. I am afraid that we often respond the wrong way. We blow up and say things we should not say. We hold grudges. We even take vengeance on people, which is forbidden in God's Word. Why do we do those things? The Lord showed Solomon the key to keeping these bad things from happening. (Proverbs 19:11) The answer is discretion. If we are a person of discretion, we are slow to anger. Then, it is our glory to decide to overlook the transgression all together. Let's seek to know how we can follow this path, instead of the sinful way.
The more wisdom we attain, the more we will see things as God sees them. That is why we must fill our minds with His Word and allow the Spirit to show us the mind of Christ in every situation. Once we have grown in these things, we will be a person of discretion. We will be able to stop before we react in anger to consider what to do. That might take more than a few minutes to discern, so it makes us slow to anger, just like the Bible commands us to be. Then, we might decide that the transgression that made us upset is something we need to overlook. That disciplined heart and mouth will be our glory. Others will see us do that and marvel at how we could overlook such an attack on us. It will lead them to learn how to be people of discretion, too. Also, it will bring glory to God for giving us the quality of discernment and the power to overlook transgressions against us.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Proverbs 20-22.