Sing to the Lord a New Song
People sure do get stuck in their ways. We like the familiar, and we dislike change. When it comes to worship, we like to sing "the old songs," the ones we are familiar with. That is not God's way, though. The Bible says in heaven we will sing a new song to praise Jesus. Why is that what the Lord wants? I am sure I do not understand it completely, but I know the psalmist says the same thing. (Psalm 149:1) God commands us to sing a new song, and to sing praise in the congregation of the godly ones. Let's explore why this is a command from the Lord for all of us, as believers.
Worship should be fresh and new every time we enter into our personal worship or corporate worship with other believers. The worst thing we can do is to have stale worship. We do not like stale food, and God does not like stale worship. Every Lord's Day we should prepare our hearts to enter His presence with other believers and praise Jesus in a new way. We want God to speak a new word to our hearts, don't we? Why can't we sing a new song to praise Him. Also, I have noticed that when I sing a new song, I concentrate on the words more, until I can belt out the meaning with confidence, because I have focused on every word and note. Then, I am really ready to have fresh, vibrant praise of the Lord. Yes, I know we can do that with songs we already know, but do we? I am afraid we don't do that unless we are truly singing every song like we sing new songs. Then, God hears and receives our worship fully, because it comes from our hearts, not just memorized songs from our minds.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Psalm 150 and Proverbs 1-2.