Fasting and Seeking God

 Fasting is Biblical, as is seeking God. The two have a special relationship when it comes to believers needing to know God's will or entreating Him to act on our behalf. God loves for us to fast. He desires for us to find Him. He has promised to answer us, as we humbly and sincerely seek His will and guidance. Therefore, all believers should practice fasting and seeking God. That is exactly what Ezra called on the people who were returning to Jerusalem with Him from Babylon to do. (Ezra 8:23) They all found out that God listens to us when we pray like that. I hope we all will learn a great lesson from this and practice fasting and seeking God.

Fasting is simple, but it is effective. When we decide to spend our time seeking God, fasting is a good way to have extra time to sit before the Lord. Fasting is when we don't eat solid food, for one meal or for an extended period of time. It shows the Lord we are serious about hearing from Him, because we are willing to give up something that is essential for life. Of course, there were fasts in the Bible where people did not eat or drink for 3 days, like Esther asked for the Jews to do in her time. There are several people, including Jesus, who fasted for 40 days. Either way, God sees and knows the desires of our hearts. When we fast, and we seek Him with all of our heart, we will find His will or His direction. This is a great practice when we have a significant challenge or a big need. However, it can also be what we do on a regular basis to show God our heart's passion to grow closer to Him.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Ezra 9-10 and Nehemiah 1.

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