Wisdom from God
People today do not have a right understanding of wisdom. Most people think that a wise person is very smart and very educated. That is why they listen to university professors and scientists. Unfortunately, these people often lead others astray, because they have only the wisdom of this world, which is not wisdom at all. All real wisdom comes from God. Solomon was given more wisdom than anyone else who has every lived. He became greater than all of the kings of the earth in wisdom and riches. (II Chronicles 9:22,23) All of the kings sought him out, so they could hear his wisdom which God had given him. That gives us a great principle for our lives.
We can only know wisdom when we know the Lord. When we come to Christ, God gives us the "mind of Christ." At that point we are able to access God's wisdom for ourselves. However, it takes knowing His Word and following His Spirit, so that we know the truth and we begin to see things as God sees things. That is wisdom. We will clash with the wisdom of this world. We should not be condescending to others, but we should seek to share God's wisdom in a way that attracts others to God. They should marvel when they see God's wisdom in us, as they did when they saw Solomon. It was the same way when people saw and heard Jesus. They knew His wisdom was different. It was superior to the wisdom of men. Let's seek the Lord and His wisdom, so we can be lights to our world today.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 10-12.