Thanking God and Looking Back
Every year as I read through the Bible this verse grips my heart. I stop to put myself in David's place. Yes, each of our lives are different. However, there is a common thread that runs through the lives of believers who have been faithful to God for a long time. David knew it very well. God brought him from being a shepherd to being the king of God's people. What an honor! Then, God blessed David by declaring that He would establish his descendants on the throne of Israel forever, if they would follow the Lord. David was overcome with thanksgiving as he looked back on how God had blessed him to get to that point in his life. (I Chronicles 17:16) David was humbled by God's gracious decree and all of the protection and provision for his life. We should all realize the same things in our life.
God has been so, so, good to me, as the worship song says. He allowed me to be born to Christian parents who raised me well and took me to church. I have known the gospel since I was a child, and I was saved at age 14. God called me into the ministry almost 50 years ago. He enabled me to go to Baylor and Southwestern Baptist Seminary to prepare for the ministry, and at the same time, He gave me the perfect wife for the journey. God has blessed me with 3 godly children, who love and serve the Lord, as well as , 7 grandchildren. I have been able to pastor 5 churches, and I have brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world that God has blessed me with. He has provided the financial blessings to have a good life all of the way. Now, He gives me strength for every day, to keep going for Him. What a blessing!
Recently, I heard a missionary lady on Nancy Lee DeMoss Wolgemuth's radio show. She gave her perspective on how it felt to be an older lady. It was one of the greatest quotes I have ever heard. I want to adapt it and paraphrase it to express how I feel now. I am like a tired young boy who is being carried in the arms of my father. I know when I fall asleep in His arms, I will wake up at home. What a wonderful Lord we have who brings us through all of life with His presence and provision.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 19-21.