A Counselor and a Friend
David was a great king for Israel. He was a gifted administrator and army commander. Everything was very organized from the singers to the Levites, and from the tribes to David's cabinet members. These last chapters of I Chronicles tell us all of this organization. Then, at the end we read of the inner circle of those around the king. One verse leaped out at me. (I Chronicles 27:33) After all of the documented names of the leaders and divisions, the Bible simply gives us two men who were very important to King David. Ahithophel was his counselor and Hushai was his friend. I would like to make a case that all of us need a good counselor and a good friend in our life.
Some people go to counselors because of mental and emotional problems or other challenges. That is fine, if the counselor follows the truth of God's Word and not man's wisdom. That is not the type of counselor I am talking about, though. We all need a personal counselor in whom we can confide, and who will tell us the truth, even when the truth hurts. Too many people only have relationships with "yes" people. They do not want to hear the difficult things, so they choose counselors who will go along with whatever they think is best. All others are disregarded. That is very counter-productive for any of us. We need an objective counselor, so we can see all the sides of every issue and do the right thing. Also, we all need a friend. A friend in a "soul-mate." He or she sees things the way we do, and they are able to relate to us in a deep way. We bond together, and we know we are there for each other, whatever may happen. If we have 2 or 3 of that type of friend, we are very rich. In fact, if we have a godly counselor and a godly friend, we will be must stronger in the storms of life, and we will have the support we need to fully follow God.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Chronicles 28-29 and II Chronicles 1.