The Two Tablets and the Covenant
God gave Israel an amazing supernatural memorial for all generations, so they would never forget what happened at Horeb or Mt. Sinai. He wrote His Ten Commandments for them on two tablets of stone, so they could be concrete proof that God had spoken to Moses on the mountain. Then, God made a covenant with them. He promised to be their God, if they would obey His commands and seek Him alone, not other gods. (II Chronicles 5:10) The two tablets were placed in the Ark of the Covenant for safe keeping. Solomon had the ark brought to the Temple of God which he built. The people celebrated in worship, and the glory of God filled the Temple. They were rejoicing in God's goodness and the fact that He had made a covenant with them as His people. That was the Old Covenant, but they same principles are at work in the New Covenant which God establishes with all who believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.
God wrote the tablets, and God made the Old Covenant. The people could not have done either on their own. Jesus died in our place and rose again for our salvation. When we trust Him, He establishes His covenant with us. We can't save ourselves, only Jesus can do that. When He enters the covenant with us, we are to obey Him today, as Israel was to obey Him back then. That is our part of the New Covenant. This is because part of the covenant we make with Jesus is that we will be conformed to His image by the power of the Spirit. If we fail to follow through in that way, we do not lose our salvation, but we do fail to live up to our part of the covenant. That displeases God, so He can't bless us. That is why many believers are miserable in their relationship with Jesus. They are living their way, instead of submitting to Jesus as we should.
Tomorrow, I intend to read II Chronicles 6-9.