Watch Your Step

 It is sure painful to make a wrong step. I think that is what I did sometime this week, and now I am feeling the pain in my hip. Of course, I have been laid up with sprained ankles and other injuries, too, when I took a misstep. As painful as all of that can be physically, it is even more important that we watch our step spiritually. The writer of Hebrews made that admonition for all believers a long time ago. (Hebrews 3:12,13) I pray we will all heed the Lord's warning in these verses. 

A spiritual misstep is when we allow some evil unbelief to get into our life, and it trip us up. Please, remember that any unbelief is sin. Any lack of faith can cause us to stop trusting the Lord and fall into the clutches of Satan and his demons. That is how we get off course in our lives, and things so downhill very fast. When we get away from God, we experience all kinds of pain and suffering, because we can't live the Christian life in our own power. Therefore, as long as we are still in this world, we need to keep each other on our toes, so sin doesn't slow down our reflexes in following God's will. We need each other, because we can see what is going on with other believers and help them before they get tripped up. The solution is confession and repentance as soon as the Holy Spirit points out our lack of trusting God. Then, we can be strong to walk the Christian walk well.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Hebrews 4-6.

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