God is Looking over Your Shoulder
I wonder if we really realize the seriousness of our situation. God sees everything we do, and He hears all that we say. He is looking over our shoulder all of the time. The reality is that Christ is the Judge, and He has the final say on everyone. (II Timothy 4:1) He is the Judge of the living and the dead, and we never know when that will happen. He could return at any moment. Then, we will have to stand before Him. Paul told Timothy he could not impress that on him enough, and I would say the same thing to all of us.
Motivation is a big deal in life. What motivates you to do your best and do the right thing? We should all do that because we love the Lord, and we want to please Him out of our love for Him. However, God knew that was not enough for us because of our human nature being so inclined to sin and fall short of what we ought to do. Therefore, He has made it clear in His Word over and over again that He is watching us, and He will hold us accountable for what we do and say at the time of Judgment. Jesus will be our Judge, and He understands all we are going through since He was God in human flesh and was tempted just like all of us. He will judge us fairly since God has been looking over our shoulder, and knows everything about us. He will be fair, but He will not pass over sin. When we add that motivation to the love motivation, it should be a powerful force for every believer to live a life pleasing to the Lord and prepared for the Judgment Day.
Tomorrow, I intend to read Titus 1-3.