A Rock-Solid Guarantee

When we buy some products they come with a guarantee. Some times we call it a warranty. The seller is giving us a promise about how long the item will last or how well it will work. I love to have a guarantee on things that I buy. However, the guarantee is only as good as the person or company that gave it. If they are dishonest or unreliable, it is worthless. Also, if the company goes out of business, the guarantee is gone. God's promises have a rock-solid guarantee behind them. The writer of Hebrews explains God's guarantee and how it works. (Hebrews 6:17,18) This is a huge factor in why we should trust the Lord's promises to us.

When God wanted to give us His rock-solid guarantee for His promises, He gave us His Word. Yes, His Word is the Bible, His written Word. Since God is eternal, He will never go out of business. Since God can't lie, because He is holy, His Word can never change. Therefore, whatever promises we find in the Bible are backed up by God, and they will always come true. God did not have to give us His Word. He could have kept us guessing about everything in life and eternity. That is against God's nature. He loves us, and He always wants us to be secure in the truth. That is why He gave us the Bible and all of His promises in writing. Now, when we read them, we can believe them and put them into our lives, knowing God is backing them up. They will never fail or change.


Tomorrow, I intend to read Hebrews 7-9.

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