No Spiritual Flabbiness
We have a problem with getting out of shape physically. There are so many great things to eat that have so many calories, that it is hard to resist. Also, we are so busy, and the stress level makes us want to eat even more. We call it "comfort food." Because of this, we join gyms, so we can work out, or we watch workout videos, and we spend so much time a week in physical exercise. It is good for us, and I encourage all of us to be as physically strong as possible. However, there is spiritual fitness that we often neglect, too, and it is more important than being physically fit. Paul gave Timothy some truth that we all need to hear. (I Timothy 4:7,8) We must exercise daily in God. Then, there will be no spiritual flabbiness. Remember that workouts in the gym are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more useful. It makes us fit for today and forever. How are you doing in this area?
Spiritual flabbiness comes about for various reasons. If we do not know the Lord, we are not just spiritually flabby, we are dead spiritually. That is a horrible condition that leads to eternal separation from God. The only cure is personal repentance from our sins and trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Then, we are spiritually alive, but we are expected to grow in Christ to become stronger and stronger in the Lord. Our faith needs to grow like our physical muscles, by being worked out. We learn about God on our own and in our church Bible studies and worship, but we must exercise what we learn. If we do not put the truth of God into practice, but we just learn more and more, we become spiritually flabby, and we are not useful to God. In fact, we won't even be as useful to God when we get to heaven, since we are spiritually weak. Therefore, we must exercise daily in God by having our time with the Lord and obeying all we learn from His Word and from the Holy Spirit.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Timothy 5-6 and II Timothy 1.