The Prophets as Our Mentors
All believers need mentors. The mentors could be older Christians with whom we have an ongoing relationship and from whom we learn. Mentors can be people we never meet, but we read their books or listen to their podcasts. We all need to decide God's will for us and engage mentors to show us the way through the joys and sufferings of life. James gave us a good idea. He said to take the Old Testament Prophets as our mentors. (James 5:10) They were amazing men who put up with anything, went through everything, and never once quit, all the time honoring God. What a legacy they left for us to follow!
Sometimes we think we have it rough. The devil convinces us that our problems are so bad that we can't overcome them, and we can't be faithful to God because of them. That is a lie. (I Corinthians 10:13) Just look at all the prophets had to put up with. They were rejected by the people to whom they were sent to preach. They were outcasts in many ways since their message was unpopular. They were living a righteous life in evil times, so people ridiculed them. Then, they went through being in prison, being beaten, and even being killed for their faith. However, none of them every quit. As they lived these tumultuous lives, they continued to speak in God's name and giving Him all of the glory and credit for everything. I think that is a pretty good source to look to as mentors, don't you? If God leads, I hope you will read about the lives of the prophets and follow their example.
Tomorrow, I intend to read I Peter 1-3.